How to commute to Landers Otis from E-Gizmo?

Last Updated on October 3, 2023

Get to Landers Otis from E-Gizmo via JEEP and MJEEP

Public Transport Guide

  1. Walk

    Distance 77 m

    1. DEPART on to Congressman A. Francisco Street
    2. LEFT on to Leon Guinto Street
  2. JEEP

    Ride T3140: Baclaran-P Campa via L Guinto

    From: Leon Guinto Sr., City of Manila

    To: Leon Guinto Sr. / G. Apacible Inreesection, Manila

    Fare: ₱12

    Provider: LTFRB Service Contracting (PUJ)

  3. MJEEP

    Ride 301: Pandacan-L. Guinto

    From: Leon Guinto Sr. / G. Apacible Inreesection, Manila

    To: San Gregorio / Paz St, City of Manila

    Fare: ₱14

    Provider: LTFRB Service Contracting (MPUJ)

  4. JEEP

    Ride T341: Paco - Sta. Mesa Rotonda via Nagtahan

    From: San Gregorio / Paz St, City of Manila

    To: Paz Mendoza Guazon

    Fare: ₱12

    Provider: LTFRB Service Contracting (PUJ)

  5. Walk

    Distance 251 m

    1. DEPART on to Paz Mendoza Guazon Street
    2. RIGHT on to Mendiola Extension
    3. RIGHT on to service road


About E-Gizmo

e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central is a specialty electronics hardware store located at VSC Building, Castro St. cor. Taft Avenue, Malate.

Content by Wikipedia and OpenAI

Landers Otis

About Landers Otis

Landers Otis is a membership shopping store located in Paco, Manila. It is situated along Paz Mendoza Guazon Street cor. Mendiola Ext., across the Malayan High School of Science and 7-11 Otis-Manila.
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