How to commute to Mercury Drug Pateros Almeda from Double Dragon Plaza?

Last Updated on October 3, 2023

Get to Mercury Drug Pateros Almeda from Double Dragon Plaza via BUS and JEEP

Public Transport Guide

  1. Walk

    Distance 124 m

    1. DEPART on to sidewalk
    2. LEFT on to DD Meridian Avenue
    3. RIGHT on to EDSA Extension
  2. BUS

    Ride 1: EDSA Carousel Busway

    From: Roxas Blvd Eastbound

    To: MRT-3 Ayala Station, EDSA (NB)

    Fare: ₱15

    Provider: LTFRB Service Contracting (PUB)

  3. Walk

    Distance 58 m

    1. DEPART on to steps
    2. RIGHT on to road
  4. BUS

    Ride : BGC Bus East Route

    From: EDSA Ayala BGC Bus Terminal

    To: Market Market BGC Bus Terminal

    Fare: ₱15

    Provider: The Fort Bus

  5. Walk

    Distance 222 m

    1. DEPART on to path
  6. JEEP

    Ride T225: Pateros-Market Market

    From: Market! Market! South Terminal, BGC, Taguig

    To: B. Morcilla St, Pateros

    Fare: ₱12

    Provider: LTFRB Service Contracting (PUJ)

  7. Walk

    Distance 228 m

    1. DEPART on to B. Morcilla Street
    2. LEFT on to M. Almeda Street

Double Dragon Plaza

About Double Dragon Plaza

The Double Dragon Plaza is an 11 storey office complex with over 130,000 square meters of leasable space. On the ground floor is a retail complex with food, clothing and lifestyle shops. The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) is located here.

© Image from Wikipedia

Mercury Drug Pateros Almeda

About Mercury Drug Pateros Almeda

Mercury Drug Almeda is located at the intersection of M. Almeda St. and B. Morcilla in Pateros. The store is accessible by jeep and tricycles. For those interested in local landmarks, the pharmacy is within walking distance from the Shrine of Saint Martha and San Roque Parish.

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